The following are the goals for The Miracle League Buddies
To protect the Miracle League player at all times!
When a “big hitter” is up to bat, Buddies are to step in from the Miracle League player for protection. Assist players according to their needs.
Always allow the Miracle League Player as much freedom as possible to play his/her own game.
Work closely with Coach, Asst. Coach, and Team Mom. Find out how they are going to run practice, game, and line-up for that day.
Speak with the Miracle League player’s family to learn more about the player and their needs.
Be of good spirit with enthusiasm, love, positive attitude, and concern in motivating the players and their families.
Become the Miracle League player’s friend.
Arrive at the field 30 minutes prior to game time. Be properly dressed. Clean buddy shirt and sneakers.
Demonstrate high morals and integrity on and off the field. Set an example. Be a good role model.
Always communicate with your player and league about dates when you will not be able to attend. Sign up for emails, and Facebook to get up-to-date information. This is also a great way to communicate with League Directors, Coaches, and families. Coach Julia Kadel, Executive Director 561-414-4441
The Miracle League of Palm Beach County relies on our amazing volunteers to help us deliver a positive, safe and enjoyable experience for our athletes. Volunteering with Miracle League is a great way to gain experience working with individuals with disabilities and to give back to the community.
There are a number of volunteer opportunities available – we hope you’ll join us!
Join Our Team
Whether you are an individual or a group, volunteering is a simple, two-step process. Scroll below to review all of the volunteer opportunities before registering. Anyone with questions should contact Julia Kadel, Executive Director, via E-mail.
Are you a local youth organization, high school team, or corporate group looking to give back? We schedule group outings to volunteer as Angels in the Outfield all year around. Book your date with the Miracle League of Palm Beach County today! Visit our schedule page for dates, and contact Julia Kadel, Executive Director, at
Coaches provide guidance, encouragement, and compassion to the players and buddies and help ensure the games run smoothly each week. There are two or three coaches per team, and they may range from high school students (must be at least 18 years old) to senior citizens. Coaches are required to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled game. Games last for one hour, and there are no practices.
Buddies (Angels in the Outfield)
Buddies are paired with one player for the entire season and often develop a very special, rewarding relationship. They provide support and encouragement while ensuring their player’s safety. Buddies are required to attend their team’s games for one hour and to arrive 15 minutes prior to their game. They make a season-long commitment to their player/team, sign the “Buddy Pledge” and receive community service hours. Buddies must be at least twelve years old to participate.
If you are not able to commit to the entire season, there are a limited number of spots available to be a “floater buddy” and assist with athletes when needed. You may indicate “floater buddy” during the registration process.
Game Day Volunteers
The Miracle League of Palm Beach County also needs volunteers to help out on the field as umpires, pitchers, catchers, pitchers, and announcers.
Miracle League of Palm Beach County Volunteers
Provide support and encouragement to athletes as they round the bases and assist with safety and equipment. Umpires should be at least 16 years old.
Provide support and encouragement to athletes by pitching for the teams that are playing. Pitchers should be at least 16 years old.
Provide support and encouragement to athletes by catching for the teams that are playing. Catchers should be at least 12 years old. *All catchers that are under the age of 18 must wear a catcher’s helmet with a faceguard.
Provides encouragement to the athletes by announcing their names as they are up to bat and when they are crossing home plate. Announcers should be at least 12 years old and show enthusiasm!
Register now to be a volunteer for the Miracle League of Palm Beach County!
The following are the goals for The Miracle League Buddies
To protect the Miracle League player at all times!
When a “big hitter” is up to bat, Buddies are to step in from the Miracle League player for protection. Assist players according to their needs.
Always allow the Miracle League Player as much freedom as possible to play his/her own game.
Work closely with Coach, Asst. Coach, and Team Mom. Find out how they are going to run practice, game, and line-up for that day.
Speak with the Miracle League player’s family to learn more about the player and their needs.
Be of good spirit with enthusiasm, love, positive attitude, and concern in motivating the players and their families.
Become the Miracle League player’s friend.
Arrive at the field 30 minutes prior to game time. Be properly dressed. Clean buddy shirt and sneakers.
Demonstrate high morals and integrity on and off the field. Set an example. Be a good role model.
Always communicate with your player and league about dates when you will not be able to attend. Sign up for emails, Facebook to get up-to-date information. This is also a great way to communicate with League Directors, Coaches, and families. Coach Julia Kadel, Executive Director 561-414-4441
Robert P. Miller Park Anthony V. Pugliese V Miracle League Field #6
Palm Beach Gardens Field
Anyone can be a BUDDY! Individuals, student athletes, civic groups, church groups, business groups, youth groups, and families are all needed and welcome.
We ask that minors under the age of 16 be accompanied by a parent or group leader. Our players are ages 6-23 years, with varying levels of physical ability and cognitive function.
For the comfort of our players and our BUDDIES, we will work to match ages, sex, and ability level of players and BUDDIES to what is the best fit.
If you can’t donate your time, the Miracle League of Delray Beach is accepting monetary donations to help keep our league expanding and free to our wonderful families.
Who do I contact?
Julia & Jeff Kadel
Co. Founders
Miracle League Featured on the Today Show
Miracle League Featured on the HBO sports series "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel"
If you can’t donate your time, the Miracle League of Palm Beach County is accepting monetary donations to help keep our league expanding and free to our wonderful families.